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Discover what current college students said about their transition to college in our video room and consider becoming involved today as a YTN Ambassador.


Parent and Teen Relationship

As a result of our research YTN has developed and tested several resources for parents designed to help: parents and teens maintain a vital relationship through these challenging transitional years, along with transition resources to help prepare students for the change and challenges of leaving home.

As parents we begin with a baby that requires 100% supervision and control. Given that it takes just 21 days to create a habit we can easily find ourselves locked into a style of parenting by the time our students reach the critical pre-teen years. In biblical times people were getting married between the ages of 12 and 14 years old. We have come to understand that the extended adolescence that many point to in our culture today is not the result of the brain regressing, but rather a function of how we view, relate to and approach pre-teens and teens. We can help them be ready to handle the change and responsibility of leaving home when we have a sound relationship with our teens through these transitional years.


Shepherding Your Teen (parents of pre-teens and teens)

Today much of parenting material is designed for use with younger children. Having come to understand the issues dampening our teen's hearts towards parents and God we have developed content for parents of pre-teens and teens (ages 8-18) that is based upon Jesus', the "Good Shepherd's", approach to His Disciples. (Read More)

Transition Resources

Our transition research with college students we uncovered a number of issues that open our students to a form of culture shock that can cause our students to bond with a foreign culture when they leave home often drawing them away from us and their faith. YTN has assembled a number of resources that churches and or individual parents can use with high school juniors and seniors to help them see for themselves the challenges of leaving home, helping them get ready for the stress, change and responsibilities that can lead to culture shock. (See Resources)

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